Hi-Tech Chemicals was formed in 1990 with the vision of creating an institution that could support the Food Processing Industry in Barbados and the Caribbean in their goals of meeting international standards in cleaning and sanitation. As the Food Processing Industry evolved, mechanization of production at every level grew immensely. As a result, international systems were developed to keep abreast of the increasing cleaning and sanitation needs. These systems incorporate the combined use of chemicals, equipment and people in a way that reduces labour and simplifies the task of complying with standards set by Processors, Local Health Authorities and International Certification Institutions. The systems allow cleaning crews to get more and better work done, optimizing the turnout of high quality products. With more than two decades of experience in servicing the food processing industry, catering to the baking, brewing, dairy, meat and vegetable processing industries, Hi-Tech has grown to become the leading provider of cleaning and sanitation solutions in Barbados, with a growing presence in the Caribbean.